
Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Fun!

After a fairly traumatic week,  I can confidently say I am ready for a break. My personal life is settling down and my sister, who some of you may know was in two car accidents, but wasn't hurt (thnakfully)! So, not too much to wine about.

We have put on three large events at work over the past three weeks, each of which went very well.  My first semester of grad school was extremely successful and  I look forward to moving through the program and graduating in Dec. 2012.

I am continuing work close to full time the rest of the summer, but have a few vacations planned. After finding some cat sitters,  I am now looking forward to going  home for a bit. It will be great to see my family and friends. Ryan and I are traveling home together and will spend a large portion of our time at the sheep show in Reno. Should be a fun time. Then, some shopping and girl time with the extended family. And finally, going to a Giants game. I haven't been in far too long.

Also looking to the future is AMS- Ag Media Summit.  I can't wait to be with fellow ACT members in New Orleans for learning and bonding. I will also be retiring from national ACT office.  I encourage anyone thinking about doing it to go for it. It is a wonderful experience.

And as always, Stella is doing great! Although, she and  I both don't appreciate tornado season.

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