
Thursday, June 23, 2011

An A Serious Note- 4-H Desensitizing Kids- WHAT!!!

After perusing facebook, I noticed a fellow facebooker posted this link,

Upon following it, I was astonished to find there are those out there who feel 4-H and FFA (I added that myself) are desensitizing  youth in regards to animal killing. Let me just share, that as past 4-H and FFA member, this couldn't be farther from the truth.  If anything, these programs made me a more compassionate person. Each of my animals had a name and it was hard to sell them with the understanding they would eventually be meat. However, the flip side is that Bubba, Happy, and the others provided nutrition to families such as mine.  I quite often consume animals I have raised.

Being in youth agriculture programs instilled in me a respect for hard work, the agricultural lifestyle and compassion and even respect for the animals I raised. At a young age, I learned that these type of animal are production animals and only were companions in the short-term. It doesn't mean that I don't have compassion for dying animals  (both companion and non) or that I wish to witness inhumane harvesting of animals either. It does mean I understand the process and can make informed choices about the products I eat and respect the farmer who worked hard to produce the food I consume.

Although I respect the opinions of others who believe differently than I do,  I can say from experience that I became more compassionate and aware not less. This does not prevent me from enjoying the protein and nutrients found in meats provided to me from humanely harvest 4-H ,and FFA products as well as large-scale operations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Colorado and a New Place All in the Same Week!

Thank heavens for hump day! It will be great to talk to my good friend Charlie. He always seems to make life seem happier. Then, it's back to packing up my house for hte move next weekend. but in the process,  I have t pack my suitcase for my family vacation to Colorado. It ought to be really fun and interesting (especially if they bring Molly, our lab). I am not necessarily looking forward to the 12 hours drive alone, but  Ibet  it will be pretty this time of year.

Sad to have missed my sister's last county fair and my first missed show in 13 years. But It will be nice to have some family time. Then, it' back home to move my house about 70 yards. LOL. Hopefully Ryan and I will be able to complete the move and have my old house cleaned in 2 days time.

Then, three weeks after the move I will be headed to New Orleans for AMS. It should be a great time reconnecting with friends and making new ones. Plus, after looking at the tentative schedule, it seems like there are some wonderful workshops to glean information from this yearSchool will start not too far after that and  I will being working on my thesis... YIKES.

In closing, my thoughts go out to those in my life present and past who have gotten terrible news about their health this week. As always, Stella is good.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Family Vacay

It was great getting back to California for a few days. We had a ton of fun hanging out and enjoying each other's company. I got to see grandparents, aunts and cousins I hadn't seen in far too long. I very much appreciated my family's spirit when picking me up at 11 p.m. They each wore OSU gear and had a welcome home sign that was spelled wrong in true Okie fashion. LOL.

I of course got to see the fair animals and wish them luck at the San Joaquin County Fair. This will be the fist fair I have missed in 13 years. I am a little sad about it to say the least. As always I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the pets and must say that Sweetpea has really let herself go....

We took a day trip to Monterey where we went to the aquarium. It was a very fun trip to say the least. In addition, we went to the Gilroy outlets. I am officially in LOVE. Got a few cute things including the trouser jeans I have searched years to find :)

We concluded the trip with a Giants game. It may have started out slow, with Giants down 4 to in the 8th. But once we left the game turned around. We won in the 13th inning, the inning I watched from my couch and hour and 15 minutes away from the Field. HAHA.

Overall, it was a wonderful trip. Wish Ryan had been able to, but we might have to have our own vacay later this summer.  I am taking suggestions. Finally, I just got to see my Seedstock Edge story in print, which is a cool feeling. In just over 3 weeks  I will get to move into my big girl apartment and take another family trip to Colorado. What a fun month it will be.

As always Stella is great, despite my departure. She is just happy mommy is home.